Photograph of a race course
Photograph of a race course

There is so much athletic talent scattered across the escarpment and we are thrilled to present these short bio's as a way to celebrate some of these amazing young athletes. Whether competing at a Noram event or working your way up through the club ranks, each person has their own unique story and journey to share. Thanks to all the parents and athletes for helping us put this together!

Kiera cartoon portrait & portrait in front of a sign

Athlete Kiera Mihalic

What Race Team (Club) do you train with? Georgian Peaks Club

Who is your coach? Hugh Morrison and Jay Monette

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on?  Skis Volkl – Boots - Atomic

How long have you been skiing competitively? Skiing since 3 years old – racing at years old

What disciplines do you compete in? GS and Slalom

What age category are you in? U12

Name words that best describe you as an athlete: Supportive of other racers, hard working, fighter, doesn’t give up.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Keep my hands forward.

What would be your personal motto? Work hard, stay calm and ski fast

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing? Coming 1st on my first race of the year. Winner Club Championship and Best Girl 2023

What are your goals for 2023 season? Work hard and don’t give up

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? Math – I like solving problems.

What is your favourite food? Tacos and Curry


Athlete Eniko Knezic

What Race Team (Club) do you train with? The Georgian Peaks.

Who is your coach? Heather Metzger and Matt Vorps.

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on?  Blizzard Skis and Tecnica Boots.

How long have you been skiing competitively? Since I was 8 years old, I have been skiing ever since I was 4.

What disciplines do you compete in? All of them but my favorite is Super G.

What age category are you in? I’m a U16.

Name 3 words that best describe you as an athlete: Disciplined, Persevering and a Cheerleader.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Your future self will thank you for the work you're putting in now.

What would be your personal motto? Don't complain, just do it and it'll probably be less icky than you think. You won’t have to worry about it any more and it will most likely be good for you in the long term.

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing? Finishing 3rd at the MSLM dual slalom.

What are your goals for the 2023 season? Top 10 finish, get to provincials and minimize crashing.

What is your Fave song in your playlist right now? Diet mountain dew by Lana Del Ray

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? Biology, I love understanding how the life forms around us live and work.

What is your favourite food? Movie theater popcorn!


Skier Milan portrait and podium image

Athlete Milan Knezic

What Race Team (Club) do you train with? I train with georgian peaks

Who is your coach? My coach is Jay monnet

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on? Blizzard & Tecnica

How long have you been skiing &
SInce I was 6 years at Holimont in Ellicottville NY

What disciplines do you compete in? GS, Slalom and terrain park (this is also my last year of kombi)

What age category are you in? U12 2nd year

Name 3 words that best describe you as an athlete:Wheelin, Deelin, Highlight-reeling

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? It is better to ski the fast line slow than the slow line fast

What would be your personal motto? Early bird gets the worm

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing? The recent powder day with my dad this year

What are your goals for the 2023 season? My goals are to podium in the mastermind race and the muskoka rodeo

What is your Fave song in your playlist right now? Straight outta Compton by NWA

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? Batting practice because it is the subject that has the least amount of actual school work  involved

What is your favourite food? I do not neccesarily have a favorite food but i really like the mcpeak from the georgian peaks cafeteria


Athlete Lenke Knezic

What Race Team (Club) do you train with? Georgian Peaks “Dude-Skis’’

Who is your coach? The great Mark Parrish

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on?  Blizzard and Tecnica

How long have you been skiing competitively? 2 years

What disciplines do you compete in? PSL and kombi

What age category are you in? U10 1st year

Name 3 words that best describe you as an athlete: fast, strong & cheerful

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Don't  look at the gate in front of you, but look 2 gates ahead of you

What would be your personal motto? Your not skiing if your not crashing

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing? Winning club champs at Georgian Peaks Canada and Holimont USA in the same week

What are your goals for the 2023 season? Win club champs again

What is your Fave song in your playlist right now? Made  you look

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? Art because you get to express yourself

What is your favourite food? I like everything  which is good


Athlete Jasper William

What Race Team (Club) do you train with? Georgian Peaks Ski Team

Who are your coaches? Ryan Butler, Jurg Gfeller and Heather

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on?  Nordica skis and boots

How long have you been skiing competitively?  Since I was 7.

What disciplines do you compete in? SG, GS, SL

What age category are you in? U16 O Cup

Name 3 words that best describe you as an athlete? Teammate, worker, focused

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?  Try hard

What would be your personal motto?It’s what you do when no one is watching.

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing?  Winning gold in all 5 races of the Mid Winters

 What are your goals for 2023 season?  Win a U16 National Championship and Canada Winter Games Gold

What is your Fave song in your playlist right now? Watch This by Lil Uzi Vert

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? French.  It’s something that I will use.

What is your favourite food? Lasagna


Race action image of athlete with cartoon portrait

Athlete Tadas Valadka

What Race Team (Club) so you train with: Ontario Development Ski Team

 Who is your coach: Thomas Trusler

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on: Rossignol

How long have you been skiing competitively: Skiing 15 years & competitively 9-10years.

What disciplines do you compete in: SL, GS, SG, DH* (no starts yet but planning on it)

What age category are you in: 1st Year FIS

Name words that best describe you as an athlete: Disciplined, Resilient & Dedicated.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received: You can only be mad or worried about a run for the time it takes to get back up the lift. After that, learn from it and don’t worry about it.

What would be your personal motto: Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forwards. How much you can take and keep moving forward” Rocky Balboa

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing: Summer trip to Saas Fee, Switzerland

What are your goals for the 2023 season: Qualify for the Ontario Ski Team

What is your favourite song in your playlist right now: Kickstart My Heart by Motley

What is your favourite subject in school and why: Physics. I find it the most interesting.

 What is your favourite food: Sushi


Action shot of Ali in the starting gate & profile cartoon portrait

Athlete Ali Manastersky

What Race Team (Club) do you train with?  Osler Bluff Ski Club

Who is your coach? Ivey Norton and Mckenzie Lochran

What brand of skis and boots do you train & compete on?  Atomic Boots and Skis

How long have you been skiing competitively? In my 5th year

What disciplines do you compete in? PSL, Kombi, Sl and GS

What age category are you in? Second year U12

Name words that best describe you as an athlete: Teammate, Passionate and Motivated

 What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Be the best version of yourself

What would be your personal motto? Put in the work but most importantly have FUN!

What is your best memory from the last year of skiing?  4th @ Mastermind Invitational GS
(Devils Glen Ski Club)

What are your goals for 2023 season?  Enjoy the season with my team (Dicso Downhillers) and maybe some top 10 finishes along the way.

What is your Fave song in your playlist right now? Riptide by Vance Joy

What is your Favourite subject in school and why? Math – enjoy the challenge.

What is your favourite food? Spaghetti